Friday, March 20, 2009

9 Months Old

Check out these latest shots. Lucas seems to be getting cuter every day - of course I may be a little bias. But admit it, he's one handsome 9 month old! He had a checkup the other day and he's weighing in at a whopping 25 lbs. 8 oz. & 29 3/4 inches long. Dr. Green also diagnosed him with mild bronchitis which is going around among all the kids. Other than that he's doing great. He's sleeping through the night for the most part. He isn't crawling but Dr. Green doubts that will happen because of his size. He can already grab onto our hands and pull himself up so most likely he'll go straight to standing and then walking. Lately he loves to bounce in place on his fat little legs. He's also quite vocal with yells & grunts (he's all boy), no actual words yet. However, Gil coaches him on the word "daddy" almost every day.

Grandma Ieda is halfway through her first visit to the states. She's been doing lots of shopping for everyone in Brazil and also keeps busy by going to an English class in Bev Hills Monday thru Friday. The rest of her time is occupied by searching for Richard Geer (she's obsessed) and photographing the beautiful flowers she sees all over L.A. (huh? There are flowers here?) Luckily the weather has warmed up over the past couple days and she's feeling more comfortable. 60 degree weather can be harsh on a warm-blooded Brazilian and there were days when she didn't even take off the big, puffy jacket I loaned her. Luckily spring is here! Keep it coming Sun, we need a beach day!

Anyway, enjoy the pics. Lucas says hi to all of his family & fans. Beijos!!!

1 comment:

  1. These pics are super cute! He really does seem to get cuter every time! Can't wait for beach days chasing him and Blaise around!! ;-)
